Blessing of the Animals
Blessing of the Animals
Join Deacon Tony in the courtyard at 4PM on Sunday, September 29th for the blessing of the pets. All pets must be on leashes or in carriers.
Join Deacon Tony in the courtyard at 4PM on Sunday, September 29th for the blessing of the pets. All pets must be on leashes or in carriers.
For our a weekly parish requiem, we will pray special prayers after the 5:15pm Mass for all those who have died in the last week. Click here for further details or to submit a name to be read aloud during the parish requiem.
St. Thomas Aquinas has an active council catering to college students as well as all Catholic men in our parish. Our council meets on the first Tuesday of the month. Click here to learn more!
The St. Vincent de Paul Society Holy Trinity Conference works to grow spiritually through service to friends in need in our community. The Society meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month at the Church of the Incarnation. Click here to learn more.
All young adults (21-39) are invited to join the weekly Frassati Book Club! Click here for details and contact information.
Consider giving an hour of your time to pray for the whole Church in a spirit of reparation. Join us at 3PM on Fridays. For those who can arrive early: we will recite Penitential Psalms at 2:45PM. Contact Sam Nicholson ([email protected]) for more information. Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us.
ON FOOTBALL GAME WEEKENDS, WE WILL BAKE ON FRIDAYS 6:00-8:00PM. Saturday mornings 10:00–12:00: Come bake muffins with us in the STA kitchen. We have all the supplies, a streamlined approach, a huge oven, and a lot of fun! All ages and skill levels welcome. You can even be the quality control officer! Or you may sign up to bring a dozen from home – leave them on the STA kitchen counter anytime Saturday, or on Sunday morning. The muffins are […]
The parish complex will close immediately after the 8:30AM Mass. There will be no Confessions or 4:30PM Vigil Mass. (NB: Due to our proximity to Scott Stadium, we lose all parking access during home games. UVA will tow any cars without home game parking passes.)
Our chapter meets monthly. Please contact to inquire if you wish to join us (click here to contact & for more information).
For our a weekly parish requiem, we will pray special prayers after the 5:15pm Mass for all those who have died in the last week. Click here for further details or to submit a name to be read aloud during the parish requiem.
Our Haiti committee meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month. Click here for the Haiti site and become involved today!
All young adults (21-39) are invited to join the weekly Frassati Book Club! Click here for details and contact information.
Consider giving an hour of your time to pray for the whole Church in a spirit of reparation. Join us at 3PM on Fridays. For those who can arrive early: we will recite Penitential Psalms at 2:45PM. Contact Sam Nicholson ([email protected]) for more information. Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us.
The parish complex will close immediately after the 8:30AM Mass. There will be no Confessions or 4:30PM Vigil Mass. (NB: Due to our proximity to Scott Stadium, we lose all parking access during home games. UVA will tow any cars without home game parking passes.)
Due to UVA Fall Break, there will be no religious education or youth ministry programs October 13th or 14th.
Please join the Knights after the 9AM Mass for a pancake breakfast including sausage, fruit, orange juice and coffee. The cost is $5 per person or $15 per family. Proceeds will be donated to Lifespring Pregnancy Center. Please join us for some good food and great fellowship.
All engaged couples preparing for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony participate in one of our A Journey Through Your Ceremony Retreats. Our next retreat will take place from 3:30pm-5:00pm, followed by a special Betrothal Blessing and the 5:15pm Mass. Please keep all of our engaged couples in your prayers as they journey towards their Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Click here to learn more.
There will be no 8PM Confessions and no 9PM Mass on October 13th due to UVA Fall Break.
Due to UVA Fall Break, there will be no religious education or youth ministry programs October 13th or 14th.
For our a weekly parish requiem, we will pray special prayers after the 5:15pm Mass for all those who have died in the last week. Click here for further details or to submit a name to be read aloud during the parish requiem.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society Holy Trinity Conference works to grow spiritually through service to friends in need in our community. The Society meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month at the Church of the Incarnation. Click here to learn more.
All young adults (21-39) are invited to join the weekly Frassati Book Club! Click here for details and contact information.
Consider giving an hour of your time to pray for the whole Church in a spirit of reparation. Join us at 3PM on Fridays. For those who can arrive early: we will recite Penitential Psalms at 2:45PM. Contact Sam Nicholson ([email protected]) for more information. Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us.
Saturday mornings 10:00–12:00: Come bake muffins with us in the STA kitchen. We have all the supplies, a streamlined approach, a huge oven, and a lot of fun! All ages and skill levels welcome. You can even be the quality control officer! Or you may sign up to bring a dozen from home – leave them on the STA kitchen counter anytime Saturday, or on Sunday morning. The muffins are featured at Sunday morning fellowship after morning Masses. Click here to […]
Join the Haiti Ministry after Masses for their Arts & Crafts Fair. This is a wonderful opportunity to prepare early for Christmas -- or to begin or renew sponsorship of a student at our sister parish, St. Michel, in Saltadere, Haiti.
Due to the Catholic Hoos Winter Retreat, there will be no Religious Education Programs on October 20th. Youth Ministry programs will take place as usual on October 20th and 21st.
For our a weekly parish requiem, we will pray special prayers after the 5:15pm Mass for all those who have died in the last week. Click here for further details or to submit a name to be read aloud during the parish requiem.
All young adults (21-39) are invited to join the weekly Frassati Book Club! Click here for details and contact information.
Join us at 7:30PM for an evening of sacred music accompanied by brief reflections on the Sacraments by Fr. Walter, followed by a reception in the courtyard. Click here for our music ministry page.
Consider giving an hour of your time to pray for the whole Church in a spirit of reparation. Join us at 3PM on Fridays. For those who can arrive early: we will recite Penitential Psalms at 2:45PM. Contact Sam Nicholson ([email protected]) for more information. Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us.
ON FOOTBALL GAME WEEKENDS, WE WILL BAKE ON FRIDAYS 6:00-8:00PM. Saturday mornings 10:00–12:00: Come bake muffins with us in the STA kitchen. We have all the supplies, a streamlined approach, a huge oven, and a lot of fun! All ages and skill levels welcome. You can even be the quality control officer! Or you may sign up to bring a dozen from home – leave them on the STA kitchen counter anytime Saturday, or on Sunday morning. The muffins are […]
The parish complex will close immediately after the 8:30AM Mass. There will be no Confessions or 4:30PM Vigil Mass. (NB: Due to our proximity to Scott Stadium, we lose all parking access during home games. UVA will tow any cars without home game parking passes.)
Baptism classes are held at 11am on the third Sunday of each month. RSVP required ([email protected]). Click here for more details regarding Baptism preparation.
For our a weekly parish requiem, we will pray special prayers after the 5:15pm Mass for all those who have died in the last week. Click here for further details or to submit a name to be read aloud during the parish requiem.
Whether you are looking to fulfill your requirement for marriage preparation, or are simply interested in learning more about Fertility Awareness and the FEMM method, join us for a FREE training 7pm-9pm via Zoom. Click here to learn more.
All young adults (21-39) are invited to join the weekly Frassati Book Club! Click here for details and contact information.
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