

Three Hearts of the Holy Family Ministry is a community of the domestic churches of St. Thomas Aquinas University Parish. Our mission is to strengthen the bonds between our families, which will in turn strengthen our parish community as a whole.

By providing support to families through the sacraments, prayer, service and fellowship, Three Hearts of the Holy Family Ministry is where the Church and the domestic church come together to nurture and encourage the spiritual growth of our families.



Children in grades K-5 and adult volunteers are invited to join in on the fun this July with Vacation Bible School! All week long children will encounter God through prayer, music, movement, games, community, and a few deep-sea buddies. This program runs 9 am to noon, Monday to Friday.

Child registration will open in May; adult and teen volunteers are welcome to sign up now by using the link or emailing Caroline at [email protected].

Families are welcome each Wednesday for Adoration and prayer. Children may gather in the atrium (room 10) for a brief lesson before processing into the main church to sit before the Eucharist. After processing out, the atrium will be available until five. Adults - you may join the children or enjoy your own private prayer in the church during this hour!


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