
Your Support Makes Ministry Possible

As a Catholic parish, we rely on the free-will donations of our parishioners. We happily accept your contribution of Time & Talent as well as Treasure!

Be sure to register today and do your part to support our operating costs and our many, many ministries and service opportunities.

You can make your donations:

  • Regularly and simply through online giving.
  • By placing donations in the Offertory Basket on Sundays and Feast Days.
  • Through qualified charitable distributions.
  • By joining our STA 100 (see below).
  • By gifts of stock.
  • By bequest.

2024 HVAC Replacement Appeal

Due to the aging of our HVAC system, we are raising money to replace it. Thank you so much for your generosity to the HVAC fund. Our church is our home. Your donations help us to maintain our home and update outdated systems. May God bless you abundantly!

Click here for the full report.

All donations toward the HVAC replacement are exempt from the Diocesan tax.

STA 100

What is the STA 100?

The purpose of STA 100 is to establish a sustainable, dedicated source of funds for monthly payments on the church mortgage loan. Those payments amount to $20,221 per month and the loan balance at December 31 was just under $2.7 million. As the name suggests, we are looking for 100 – or more – charter members of STA 100, supporters of the parish who are blessed with the means to commit to recurring annual gifts that would be used solely for payments on the mortgage. That would enable the parish to reserve offertory and other income for day-to-day parish operations, unburdened by monthly mortgage payments. It is intended that STA 100 gifts would be in addition to one’s regular offertory and other giving.

How does the STA 100 Work?

STA 100 members commit to recurring gifts of $1,000 or more per year for three years. Gifts could be made in installments chosen by each member (monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.), preferably through online e-giving.

There are four annual giving levels: $1,000+, $2,500+, $5,000+ and $10,000+. Members are encouraged to consider, if they are able, renewing or increasing their annual commitment before the end of the initial three-year term; some may choose to renew annually, thereby establishing an “evergreen” three-year commitment until the mortgage is fully paid. And, of course, there are regular appeals for new memberships.

What are the financial goals of STA 100?

The initial goal is to reach a sustained giving level of $250,000 annually (slightly more than annual mortgage payments of $242,652). Annual giving in excess of $250,000 through giving-level upgrades and new memberships would enable the parish to make extra mortgage payments, hastening the scheduling of the celebratory mortgage-burning ceremony in the church courtyard.

STA 100 Interest Form

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