


The Sacrament of Baptism is available for:

For godparent/sponsor info, see below.

Baptism of Infants, Children, and Youth

CONGRATULATIONS! We are very happy for you and your family, and look forward to supporting you as you prepare for this blessed event.

Baptisms are held on Sundays at 1:30pm (except during Lent). Here is a quick summary of the preparation process:
  1. Please email the CRE (cre at to sign up for a baptism class, or to verify prior attendance.  Indicate on which date you will attend (see upcoming dates on the right side of this page).
  2. After the class, complete the provided records form for the office.
  3. Prayerfully select a godparent or godparents for your child. Feel free to share this page and to invite prospective godparents to the baptism class with you. Each godparent must fill out a Godparent Attestation Form  and submit it to the parish office (ATTN: Caroline Golomb).
  4. Contact the CRE to schedule the Baptism. Baptisms are held at 1:30 on Sundays.

Children five-years and up must fulfill the above requirements AND meet with the appropriate religious education supervisor for their grade. The specifics of this process can be discussed on a case-by-case basis. 

Parents who are unmarried or were married outside the Catholic Church and who wish to be married in the Church, please email Deacon Tony ([email protected])The marriage of parents is not a requirement for a child’s Baptism.

Godparents/Confirmation Sponsors

The role of godparent or sponsor is a beautiful opportunity of witness and prayerful service. To fulfill this role, the following requirements must be met:
  • Must have at least one godparent, maximum two (if two, one male, one female)
  • Must be at least 16 years of age
  • Must be a fully-initiated Catholic (having received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation)
  • Must not be bound by any canonical penalty (e.g. a person who is married must be in a marriage which is recognized by the Church)
  • Must lead a life of faith befitting the role to be undertaken (regularly attending Mass on Sunday and living the faith)
  • Cannot be a parent of the child (for infant Baptism)
  • May be a parent of the candidate (for Confirmation)
Please fill out and return the Godparent Attestation Form.

Upcoming Baptism Classes
Baptism classes meet at 10:30 am in the youth room, between the 9 am and 11:30 Masses. Both parents are encouraged to come learn more. Prospective godparents are also welcome to attend, though not required.​​​​​​ (Children are also welcome to join.)
Upcoming classes:
  • January 19
  • February 9
  • April 27
  • May 18
  • June 22

Contact Us

Caroline Golomb
Coordinator of Religious Education

[email protected]

Rev. Mr. Anthony DiTolve
Permanent Deacon

[email protected]

Upcoming Events