Parish Library
  • St. Thomas More Library: NOW OPEN!
    • We hereby announce the opening of the renovated St. Thomas More Library at St. Thomas Aquinas University Parish. The Library is located on the lower level of our Parish Center. We are pleased to offer the valuable resources of our Library for your spiritual and intellectual enrichment.

      Using the Library:

      1. Library Hours: The Library is open consistent with accessibility to the Parish Center.
      2. Signing Out Books: You may sign out books for a period of up to 14 days. Each book holds a sign-out card in the pocket inside the front cover. Please enter the title of the book, your name, and the date you signed out the book. Deposit the sign-out card in the designated box in the Library.
      3. Reserved Books: Books that are not available to be signed out have a red dot on the spine of the book.
      4. Returning Books: When returning books, please simply place them in the designated box in the Library. Please do not re-shelve any books.
      5. Food and Drink: We ask that you do not bring food or drinks into the Library. A Comfortable lounge is readily available immediately outside the Library.

      You are invited to browse the Library to become familiar with the breadth of the collection that currently numbers nearly 1,200 volumes. A listing of the categories appears below and is available for review in the Library. We also welcome suggestions and donations for additions to the collection. Please contact the Parish Office if you have questions.

    • Categories

      St. Joseph
      St. Augustine
      St. Thomas Aquinas & The Summa
      Dominican Authors
      The Bible
      Old Testament
      New Testament
      The Apostles
      Acts of the Apostles
      World Church History
      Women in the Church
      American Church History
      Dominican History
      American Dominican History
      Canon Law
      Spiritual Reading
      Catholcism & Evangelization
      The Sacraments
      The Eucharist
      Stigmata & Shroud of Turin
      The Angels
      Catechism of the Church
      The Papacy
      Vatican II
      General Ethics
      Fr. Benedict Groeschel
      Romano Guardini
      Thomas Merton
      Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
      St. Teresa of Calcutta
      Hilaire Belloc
      G. K. Chesterton
      Henri J. M. Nouwen
      Thomas Jefferson
      Encyclopedia Britannica
      Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism
      Anchor Bible
      A Critical Historical Commentary on the bible
      Classics of Western Spirituality
      Great Books of the Western World
      Encyclopedias & Dictionaries

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