
Parish Requiem

For our a weekly parish requiem, we will pray special prayers after the 5:15pm Mass for all those who have died in the last week. Click here for further details or to submit a name to be read aloud during the parish requiem.

Labor Day

On Labor Day, our only Mass will be at 9AM.

Full Adoration schedule resumes

Our full Adoration schedule will resume for the semester on this date. Click here to see the full schedule or to volunteer as a regular Adorer.

Event Series Rosary of Reparation

Rosary of Reparation

Consider giving an hour of your time to pray for the whole Church in a spirit of reparation. Join us at 3PM on Fridays. For those who can arrive early: we will recite Penitential Psalms at 2:45PM. Contact Sam Nicholson ([email protected]) for more information. Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us.

Home Football Game

The parish complex will close immediately after the 8:30AM Mass. There will be no Confessions or 5:15PM Vigil Mass. (NB: Due to our proximity to Scott Stadium, we lose all parking access during home games. UVA will tow any cars without home game parking passes.)

RE & Youth Ministry Programs begin!

Today our Religious Education and Youth Ministry Programs begin for the academic year! Please keep all catechists, students, and families in your prayers.   Click here to learn more about Religious Education Programs. Click here to learn more about Youth Ministry Programs. Click here to learn more about Faith Formation opportunities for Adults.

Upcoming Events