STA 100

Join the 100 families united in impactfully reducing our $2.4 million mortgage on our church building, nurturing the continued growth of our Parish life and leaving a legacy of beauty for future generations.

“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all people”

– Isaiah 56:7 –

These words, inscribed above the doorway of the St. Joseph transept of our beautiful church, speak to the life and mission of a Parish that welcomes and nourishes a diverse university community and all who are connected to it.

Walking through the Parish center on any day of the week, one can encounter university students gathered for sacraments or fellowship, professors praying for those students, youth and adults engaged in vibrant catechesis, or Dominicans preaching to their flock. There are rosary groups, Scripture studies, and pot lucks. There are nights when every single room in the building overflows with life and activity. Parishioners, young and old, are stewards of a building that in turn houses and nurtures our life and mission. We are blessed and provided for, and we are commissioned to continue providing for all who will enter these walls.

It is with great joy and confidence that I invite you to join the STA 100, a fellowship of dedicated Parish stewards committed to financial support of the building which continues to house and nourish the growing faith of so many of God’s children. I hope you will read on and prayerfully consider membership in this important mission.

Peace be with you,

Karl Meier

Director of Music & Mission

Our Goal

The STA 100 fellowship was founded to support the annual mortgage payments for the new church, without utilizing the generous donations we receive from our weekly offertory. Our goal is:

  • Paying off the remaining $2.4 million mortgage on our church building
  • Gathering 100 supportive families
  • 3-year commitment (above & beyond offertory)
  • Reserved exclusively for monthly mortgage payments ($243,000 per year)
  • Freeing up our regular offertory for charitable outreach, continued efforts in evangelization, and Parish programming

Giving Levels

  • $1,000 per year for 3 years
  • $2,500 per year for 3 years
  • $5,000 per year for 3 years
  • $10,000 per year for 3 years
  • Or more!

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