

Our Parish Choirs

Traditional Choir: The traditional choir sings a wide range of music, spanning chant, polyphony, and hymns at our 9am Solemn Mass, and on important feasts. Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings at 7pm. The choir is open to singers of all skill levels who are able to reliably match pitch. The ability to read music is helpful, but not required. To join the Traditional Choir, contact Karl – [email protected]

Folk Choir – The Folk Choir sings a contemporary selection of music from the Gather hymnal at the 11:30am Mass on Sundays. Rehearsals are held before Mass. To join the Folk Choir, contact Karl – [email protected]

Worship Collective – The Worship Collective sings a mix of Praise & Worship, Hymns, and Chant at the Sunday 5:15pm Mass. The Worship Collective accepts new musicians by audition. We are currently looking for string players and acoustic guitar players who are comfortable improvising from lead sheets. Email [email protected] for more information – [email protected]

Solemnities and Seasonal Participation – Love to sing, but can’t commit to a full year? Consider joining us for special seasons and parish celebrations. Sign up for our Music Ministry emails to stay in the loop about special events and opportunities. Email [email protected] with an email and cell phone number to be added.

Our Pipe Organ: St. Thomas Aquinas University Parish has a hybrid pipe organ built by Viscount. The acoustics of the new church has been noted to resemble the great cathedrals of Europe. The organ has been built with the most sophisticated technology to date combining high end electronics with actual authentic organ pipes.

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