Religious Education

Religious Education

Registration is Now Open

Registration is now open for all religious education and youth ministry programs! Please follow the instructions below to register your kids and teens for RE (K-5), Edge (6-8), Life Teen (9-12), and Confirmation (10th grade and above).
  1. Login to Parishsoft (or create an account if needed) using the link below
  2. Choose “My Education” on the left side of the screen
  3. Review Current Family Details (and update as necessary)
  4. Select Enrollment Term (2024-2025)
  5. Add Students to the appropriate class
  6. Submit Registration!
    1. After your submission is reviewed, you should receive a confirmation email that your student has been added to the proper class
There is a registration and supplies fee for each of our programs. Cost should never be a barrier to enrollment; contact the CRE if you need a scholarship or payment plan. Payments can be made online using this ParishGiving link or with cash/check to the parish office.
  • RE & CGS classes: $50 per child
  • Edge & Life Teen: $100 per teen
  • Confirmation: $175 (includes Life Teen registration)
  • First Sacrament (Reconciliation & Communion) Prep:
    • Charlottesville Catholic & Homeschool: $50
    • In-Person RE: $50 for sacrament prep + $50 for RE class

First Confession & First Communion
Families with students eligible to prepare for First Confession and First Communion this upcoming school year (ages 7+) should carefully read our guidelines for sacramental preparation. Please reach out with any questions!
Click for Guidelines for Sacramental Preparation

2023-2024 Programs

RE classes meet weekly on Sunday mornings from 10:15-11:15. Taught by volunteer catechists from the parish and university community, RE is a wonderful tool to support parents in the catechesis of their families. 1st-5th grade use the Faith and Life series, while kindergarten uses the Image of God series.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS), Primary Level One (for 3-6-year-old children)

This program uses the Montessori Method curriculum that draws some of our youngest parishioners into deeper spiritual life and engagement with the liturgical year. Families interested in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for children ages 3 through 6 years should contact Caroline Golomb at [email protected]

This program has multiple session options, all held in the Blessed Jane of Aza Atrium (room 10):

  • Sundays from 10:15-11:15am 
  • Tuesdays from 9-11 am: This session runs concurrently to the Little Rock Women’s Scripture Study. More information about this study group can be found here.

Additionally, the atrium is open to currently-enrolled and interested families during the following “drop-by” hours:

  • Wednesdays, 4-5 pm (during Family Prayer) – Begins Sept. 25, 2024
  • Saturdays, 9-10 am (during Confessions)

Family Holy Hour

Families are welcome each Wednesday for Adoration and prayer. Children may gather in the atrium (room 10) for a brief lesson before processing into the main church to sit before the Eucharist. After processing out, the atrium will be available until five. Adults – you may join the children or enjoy your own private prayer in the church during this hour!

Interested in volunteering?

Our magnificent catechist teams are composed of parishioners and Catholic Hoos students who work together to teach our K-5 students. Full class planning resources are provided for all volunteers, and supplemented with additional resources. If you are interested in volunteering, even just as a part-time substitute, please reach out by email! This is a wonderful way to more fully integrate into the parish and grow in your own faith.

Vacation Bible School is also a great way to get involved in the summer!

As a note, all volunteers are required to be background screened and certified through the Diocesan Safe Environment Program.

Sign up for our RE Flocknote!

Flocknote Messages

Caroline Golomb
Coordinator of Religious Education


Upcoming Events