Confirmation is one of the seven sacraments and one of the three Sacraments of Initiation along with Baptism and Holy Communion. It both signals and a really gives a spiritual seal that deepens and strengthens baptismal graces. It is truly a gift of the Holy Spirit and an authentic encounter with the living Christ that effects spiritual grace through a physical means, the laying on of hands.
For Confirmation for Adults (over age 18).
In the Richmond Diocese, this Sacrament is normally given in the 10th Grade year. To register, one must also enroll in our Life Teen program, which meets Sunday evenings following the school year.
For Confirmation, we REQUIRE:
- Registration
- An OFFICIAL copy (with notes) of Baptismal certificate–issued by the Church of Baptism.
- Regular attendance of Confirmation classes, held during Life Teen every Sunday.
- Interview to discuss readiness and understanding of the sacrament.
- Confirmation Retreat (If unable to attend, a diocesan alternative is an option)
- Selection of a sponsor (Confirmed non-parent in good standing with the Church).
- “Exit letter” expressing desire for Confirmation, submitted to the pastor for approval.